Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Fun at the county fair...

We had a good time at the county fair this year. The boys are old enough to go on some of the rides.

We all had a great time looking for our entries. Julian won 2 blue ribbons- 1 for his art (bottom left in the photo) and 1 for his Chocolate, Chocolate, Chocolate Cake (Grandma Jeannine's recipe).

Gabriel won 3 blue ribbons- 1 for art, 1 for a craft project and the big blue one for his "Cookies N Cream" cake. Our family also entered the Scarecrow contest. We made a "recycled robot scarecow" out of recycle junk from around our house and grandma's basement. We were thrilled and surprised to win "Best in the Division" and actually won a small monetary award. Now the scarecrow will grace our own garden. Rachel's highlights were the shuttle bus ride to the fair and the roasted corn on the cob.

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