Our spring has been a blast. We were excited to find a bird family living in our fort. That mama bird is working hard to feed 3 babies (Colette can relate). That scruffy little bird and her babies have been such wonderfully unexpected spring blessings to observe. Our family managed to avoid nearly all the bad viruses going around. In fact the only illness I can recall is Julian's ear infections. Typical middle child... he never complained until he couldn't hear because of all the fluid. He's feeling alot better now. In May our nephew "Big Nick" graduated from college. We are very proud of him and his bright future. Jeff started softball practice for our church's team. It's been a while since he's played on a team. We hope he doesn't injure himself to the point where he can no longer wrestle with the boys. Rachel is finally coming out of her "shell". She is much more comfortable with the Grandmas, babysitters and friends. She loves her ballet class and going to the beach (even on foggy days). Our family is looking forward to summer nights sans homework and deadlines. See you at the beach....
Photos are: The first baby bird hatching, Gabriel and Grandma Mary at Gabriel's poetry reading, Rachel at the local Memorial Day presentation, Julian and Grandma Jeannine showing off all his patches to his classmates, Julian and Ted (class mascot who got to come to our house for a visit)