Monday, November 24, 2008

Feast with Friends

The boys and Jeff continue to enjoy participating in YMCA Indian Guides. We had a wonderful picnic with our friends in the great outdoors. It was our first time ever to cook a turkey (yes, we remembered to remove the bag of giblets before we cooked the bird). The boys had a great time sloshing around in the river muck while Rachel made friends with a horse named "Toy with Me". The horse was gently feasting on clover so the owner let Rachel ride her a bit. Rachel and her friend Alek had their own "pow wow" on a big stump. It was a fun day for all.

Our Beautiful Ballerina

Rachel is taking her first ballet class. She mostly likes it. Sometimes she pitches a short-lived fit when she has other ideas about what she'd like to be doing. But when she settles down and dances, she's adorable. Sorry the photos are a little fuzzy. It's hard to keep a constantly moving ballerina in focus.