Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Difficult News

Last weekend we received some distressing news. Our nephew, Jason Robinson was diagnosed with leukemia. He is a junior at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. He had been feeling worn down with a persistent cough that turned into chest pain on Saturday. Colette's sister took Jason to an emergency care clinic where they received the horrible news and were sent immediately to UCLA Medical Center. The most recent tests indicate a need for chemotherapy and a very long hospital stay. Please pray for Jason and his family as they have a very long and difficult recovery ahead. He is a great nephew and a wonderful role model for our boys (he also makes an excellent jungle gym for our boys to climb on). We love you Jason! Fight, fight, fight!!


Karsynn's Mommy...Sammi said...

Yes, fight, fight, fight. We will certainly be praying for your nephew. God says, "I knew you before you were even born." He has a plan for your nephew. We don't know what the future holds, but we know Who holds the future. God Bless!

Catherine said...

Prayed for Jason today!

Praying for God's healing in his body.

Verna said...

Hi, found your link on the RQ. Will be praying for your nephew. God is bigger than Leukemia.

Anonymous said...

I am so very sorry for that. My mother went through it. It is not an easy road. I will keep him in my thoughts.

Buffy said...


kitchu said...

I just found your site today, and wanted you to know that Jason is in my prayers. I am an oncology nurse and was immediately touched by this post. Please keep us updated- if it's okay, I'm adding you to my bloglines!